Thursday 25 October 2012


Introducing this blog is a funny business.

I have blogged before, and always for pleasure. In previous jobs, I have set up blogs to discuss my work in charities, and progress with the various initiatives I was working on. Around 100 people viewed it in total over the course of a year or two. They were generally helpful and kind with their reactions and comments.

I have also written guest blogs for another organisation, of which I was a board member. I wrote up the conversations we had at our roundtable dinners, where guests were invited to speak on subjects such as sustainability, the global economy and business/charity partnerships.

THIS blog is part of the assessment for the ICT module of my PGCE. It will be assessed by my peers, and my tutors. It is not being informed and populated by anything but my own work and my own thoughts.

So… there is quite a bit of pressure.


For what? To entertain? to inform? Or maybe just pressure to pass?

I guess I’ll go for the first two, and have a crack at the third as well. If I can, I will try to write more than is required – update every few days about the issues that come up, and how the course is going.

And of course, I will need to make sure I complete all that is set out in the ICT module handbook, all the requirements for this element of the assignment. If I am allowed, I won’t limit this blog to that – it will be more fun to discuss the year as a whole.

Also, this will give me an opportunity for self reflection during my progress on the course. It will allow me to vent, to talk about how excited I am about the course, and to record all of the great things that I hear from colleagues and academics.

Finally, what a great thing to look back on in one year’s time!

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